JavaScript vs TypeScript vs CoffeeScript

September 27, 2021


As technology evolves, so do programming languages. With new features and tools emerging, switching to a more advanced language can make a significant difference in the development process. Three of the most popular languages for frontend and backend development are JavaScript, TypeScript, and CoffeeScript. In this blog post, we will compare and evaluate these languages based on several factors to help you make an informed decision.


When it comes to performance, TypeScript and JavaScript are fairly similar, as TypeScript is just a stricter superset of JavaScript. While CoffeeScript is also designed to write more concise and robust code, it compiles into JavaScript and adds another layer of abstraction, which can sometimes increase the overhead.

Our verdict: Tie!

Development Speed

TypeScript is known for being easier to maintain and refactor than JavaScript, thanks to its static type system - catching bugs early and allowing for faster code completion. CoffeeScript also aims to make coding more concise, but can sometimes feel unfamiliar and require more extended learning curves.

Our verdict: TypeScript wins!


According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, JavaScript is still the most commonly used programming language, followed by TypeScript. In contrast, CoffeeScript is not as widely used, with only a small percentage of developers still using it.

Our verdict: JavaScript wins!

Learning Curve

CoffeeScript's concise syntax can be a double-edged sword in terms of a learning curve, as it can take time to get used to its unique style. TypeScript can also be overwhelming at first, with its additional static type system. JavaScript, as a more straightforward language, has less of a learning curve.

Our verdict: JavaScript wins!


TypeScript's static type system and compile-time checking make it easier to maintain large and complex codebases. CoffeeScript, although aimed at writing more concise code, can be ambiguous and harder to debug. JavaScript, with its dynamic nature, can lead to more errors and bugs, making it difficult to maintain larger projects.

Our verdict: TypeScript wins!


Choosing a programming language always comes down to the preferences of the developer and the specific requirements of the project. In this comparison, we have highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three languages evaluated. While JavaScript remains popular for its familiarity, TypeScript stands out in terms of development speed and maintainability. CoffeeScript, with its unique syntax, could be more niche but did not give us enough reasons to recommend it over JavaScript or TypeScript.


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